Bishop Robert Stevens

Learn the Biblical principles of the Kingdom of God.

The purpose, destiny, calling, assignment, and responsibility that God has placed on Bishop Stevens is to teach the body of Christ the principles of the kingdom. The goal is to have a kingdom mindset and live a kingdom lifestyle.

The Kingdom of God is a central theme in the Bible, and it represents God’s reign and rule over all creation. The principles of the Kingdom of God, as presented in the Bible, provide guidance on how believers should live and interact with one another and the world. While it is impossible to cover all aspects comprehensively, here are some key biblical principles of the Kingdom of God:

  1. Love: The Kingdom of God is characterized by love. Jesus emphasized the importance of loving God and loving others (Matthew 22:37-39). Love involves selflessness, compassion, forgiveness, and seeking the well-being of others.

  2. Righteousness: The Kingdom of God upholds righteousness and justice. Jesus taught that righteousness should exceed that of the religious leaders of his time (Matthew 5:20). Believers are called to live morally upright lives, treating others justly and doing what is right in the eyes of God.

  3. Humility: The Kingdom of God values humility. Jesus taught that the humble would be exalted, while the proud would be humbled (Luke 14:11). Humility involves recognizing our dependence on God, acknowledging our limitations, and serving others with a modest and selfless attitude.

  4. Faith: The Kingdom of God operates on faith. Jesus emphasized the importance of having faith in God and believing in His promises (Mark 11:22). Faith involves trusting in God’s character, His Word, and His plan, even in the face of challenges and uncertainties.

  5. Obedience: The Kingdom of God calls for obedience to God’s commands. Jesus taught that those who love Him would keep His commandments (John 14:15). Believers are called to follow God’s instructions, aligning their lives with His will and purposes.

  6. Unity: The Kingdom of God emphasizes unity among believers. Jesus prayed for His followers to be one, just as He and the Father are one (John 17:20-21). Believers are called to live in harmony, love one another, and work together for the advancement of God’s Kingdom.

  7. Service: The Kingdom of God encourages service to others. Jesus taught that the greatest among His disciples would be the servant of all (Mark 9:35). Believers are called to imitate Christ’s example by serving others with humility and meeting their needs, both spiritually and practically.

  8. Hope: The Kingdom of God offers hope for the future. Jesus proclaimed the good news of the Kingdom, offering eternal life and restoration (Matthew 4:17). Believers find hope in the promise of God’s redemption, His presence, and the ultimate fulfillment of His Kingdom.

These principles provide a foundation for understanding how believers are called to live in alignment with the values and principles of the Kingdom of God as revealed in the Bible. It is important to study the Scriptures in-depth to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Kingdom’s principles and how they can be applied in daily life.